When does being critical become being nit-picky?
You know, I've had several people tell me, either in person or in private, that they think my reviews cruise reviews skew toward being negative. I decided to take a fresh look at the ones I've posted on this blog and, to be honest, I just don't see it. Let me say, straight off, that not a single one of the cruises I've blogged about would I describe as a completely negative experience. I enjoyed each and every one of them and have not a single bit of regret for taking them. With that being said, however, I do bring up negative aspects in each sailing.
Well, I see it all as part of a review. If I notice something and comment about it in my review, it is obviously something that I have spent time thinking about. Am I jaded? Absolutely. There's no way to go on 20+ cruises and not have the experience lose a little bit of its shine. Nothing will live up to that first cruise, in my opinion ... the food, activities, ship ... they are all awesome because a) it is unlike anything you've experienced before and b) you have nothing to compare against. However, after so many cruises, yes I do think about food quality, cleanliness of the public and cabin areas, etc, and I write about them. I don't think I've ever told anyone not to take a cruise because the food was inedible or the chairs were ripped up. However, both are indicators of a company's priorities, and seem like fair game. I'm generally not talking about one-time occurrences or issues that are resolved within minutes of happening.
One other thing ... when I'm on a cruise, I don't spend it ranting about the small issues I see, though I may put them on the comment card. Believe me, I don't find a rust-spot on the exterior and jump up and down and point at it for every crew member and passenger that walks by. I probably don't even give it too much thought, though if it is a recurring issue, it may get filed away for later.
In the end, I think that my commentaries/reviews are even-handed ... and yes, I do put my money where my mouth (or keyboard) is. I've written letters to both Carnival and Royal Caribbean about my experiences, positive and negative. In both cases, I've received responses thanking me for taking the time to write and, in the case of Royal Caribbean, I received a call thinking me for my kind letter.
In the end, I'm going to keep reviewing cruises the way I have been and just count that the people who disagree with me will either ignore me or at least offer interesting discussion. I've never once dismissed someone's opinion because I have cruised more than them, though I have dismissed people who could not explain themselves out of paper bag. Anonymity in online forums can have a price, and that price in my eye is accountability. People can advertise themselves as being whoever, and use that as their sole authority. This is my blog, bearing my real name, and my posts on Cruise Critic are stamped with a link here as well as my real picture. This is who I am, I write what I think, and I am secure enough about my opinions that I claim them with my true identity. I'm not saying that's necessary or even a good idea, but my agenda and my writing will not be dictated by those who use rhetoric in place of argument.